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論文名稱(中) 底膠材料於IC封裝熟化過程中黏彈性質之模型建構
論文名稱(英) Modeling the Visco-Elastic Properties of Underfill Materials during Curing in IC Packaging
頁數 52
摘要(中)   IC封裝的注膠封裝過程中,underfill在晶片 (chip)與基板 (substrate)之間逐漸凝固成形,而材料彼此間的熱膨脹係數 (coefficient of thermal expansion)差異、underfill未熟化完全、以及材料在熟化過程產生的收縮 (shrinkage)情形等等諸多因素的影響之下,成品會有翹曲變形 (warpage)的現象發生,又由於溫度的反覆升降造成材料的持續變形,進而產生潛變 (creep),降低其壽命。
本論文主要探討underfill的黏彈性質,利用DMA及DSC等儀器觀測其機械性質以建立數學模型用以預測使用長時間下的模數,來評估因為應力鬆弛 (stress relaxation)而產生影響的疲勞壽命。
其中熟化度 (degree of cure)亦為相當重要之參數,溫度的高低及持續的時間皆會影響材料分子間的交聯程度,而分子間交連的程度將大大影響著材料的性質,因此本論文除了建構underfill的Maxwell Model之外,另外加入了熟化度的參數,來達到更準確描述underfill在製程中的實際情況,也能預測在各種時間及溫度下的真實模數。
摘要(英)   Underfill is an alternative material for redistributing the stress induced by different coefficient thermal expansion (CTE) between materials in IC packaging. It is important to consider its viscoelastic behavior because the underfill material is polymer-based and its mechanical properties are influenced by both temperature and time.
In this study, material properties was investigated by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) with different frequency and temperature. According to the time-temperature superposition (TTS), the shift factors were determined by Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) equation. It is used to construct the master curve for both storage (E’) and loss (E’’) moduli as a function of frequency at different reference temperature.
In addition, degree of cure (DOC) also played an important role in IC packaging. Modulus would be strongly affected with DOC. It is investigated the relation between temperature, curing time and conversion, and then a curing kinetic model from the differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) experiment was built. Based on the master cure and curing kinetic model, the model was constructed and had capability to predict the relaxation modulus more precisely.
論文目次 目錄………………………………VI
1-1 前言…………………………..1
1-2 底膠材料簡介……………………2
1-3 無流動底膠……………………..4
1-4 文獻回顧……………………….5
2-1 線性黏彈模型……………………9
2-2 麥克斯偉模型……………………10
2-3 廣義麥克斯偉模型………………..11
2-4 重疊原理………………..12
2-5 波茲曼重疊原理………………….12
2-6 時間-溫度疊加原理……………….14
2-7 WLF方程式………………………15
2-8 熱固性反應熟化動力模型…………..17
2-9 動態機械分析原理………………..19
2-9-1 振幅……………………..21
2-9-2 阻尼相……………………22
2-9-3 相角差…………….23
3-1 實驗目的……………………….24
3-2 實驗流程……………………….24
3-3 試片的選用……………………..25
3-4 試片的製作……………………..28
3-5 underfill材料與試片的貯存設備…….28
3-6 夾具的選用……………………..28
3-7 DSC熱分析儀…………………….29
3-8 熟化度與時間及溫度的關係…………30
3-9 DMA動態機械分析儀……………….33
3-10 DMA測試之實驗參數………………34
4-1 各熟化度鬆弛模數主區線之建立……..35
4-2 儲存模數與鬆弛模數的轉換…………37
4-3 underfill之熱機械性質數學模型建立…39
5-1 綜合討論………………..44
5-2 未來發展………………..44
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關鍵字(中) 潛變應力鬆弛熱膨脹係數黏彈性質
關鍵字(英) underfillDMATTSrelaxation modulusWLFstorage modulus


  底膠材料於IC封裝熟化過程中黏彈性質之模型建構 (1.1 MB, 1 次)
